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"About the fragility of beauty"


The fabric that I created is my personal polemic about beauty, fragility and the essence of creation.

It is my language of communication with the recipient it is supposed to evoke associations stimulate the imagination, but also act on the aesthetic sensitivity, provoking to undertake the discourse woven into it.


The material of this work is cotton, which is a natural plant fiber, and the structure of the transparent gauze from which I created the work is a reference to the lipid fibers that make up all living matter that surrounds us.


The individual colored, glued and stitched elements resemble the organic elements of the world around us.

At once these are the moults shed by reptiles, right next to the leaf fibers, dried scraps of butterfly wings. The work can also be seen as a morphological form referring to the symmetry encoded in nature .


I would like it to lift the viewer into the world of elusiveness and ephemeralism, and that reflections on beauty, fragility and creation would be intertwined with aesthetic delight.

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